
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Enlarging cartoon characters

WALT- Enlarge cartoon characters by 2.5 cm for our math activity this week

Reflection-I found this activity so fun, it was a great challenge I would love to do it again.
I was hard at first but then I got the hang of it, it was nice that Miss van der Voort let us
choose our own character.I know that I will do this again (properly after I’ve finished writing this)
There are no negatives that I have to say about this work because I loved doing it so much.

Careers presentation

WALT- Research and learn about a career we would like to become in a future

I really enjoyed doing this, because I was researching about something I like.
It was interesting to find out new things about singing, so I can
be more successful in the future.
I was impressed that the chances of getting the
job was poor, and that the pay wasn’t every high.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Google Docs Ninja Challenge

WALT- Embed  our work that we do on google docs to blogger.

WALT-  Find out easier ways to do stuff on google docs

Reflection- I really like finding out ways to do stuff on google docs. I think it was good that we did this because I know that what I will use these shortcuts and it will save me sometime using them. I would love to do this again

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thank You Slide

WALT - Post a interactive slide on Blogger, and use google slides to say thank you.

Refetion -
I think I could've used more photos that I took on my mum phone, but I forgot to send them to my school email.

I think it would have been cooler if he videos slided in but it wouldn't work, so next time I might goggle how I could do it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wellington Places Google My Maps

Walt - Upload a live google map to our blog, and use google my maps to find out how long and far it will take us to get to pacific places

These are all my answers to the question my teacher has ask use to find out using Google My Maps.


I think I could work faster to get my work done before my classmates
I think is was fun to try something new in my learning using technology
I feel that it got hard at sometimes but I problem solved and used my brain and figured it out

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Trust Me With Our Futuer- Speech- Shaie

Trust Me With Our Future

WALT- Write a speech and a leavle 4 standurd.

Picture this you are walking down the beach with your kite in hand. The air is clean and fresh, not a piece of plastic in sight. As your toes touch the fresh sea water you can hear the dolphins playing, they are free and happy just how things are meant to be. Trust me Shaie Comer with our future and this will no longer be a fantasy!

Give me one good reason why we should keep plastic? Can not think of one that's great, it just proves that we need to get rid of it and fast.  As I said plastic is doing nothing good, great, or amazing for our planet, actually it is doing the opposite it is basically killing planet Earth. Have you ever thought about what happens to plastic after you put it in the bin? Well it usually sits at the landfill until it flies away and ends up somewhere in the world. We need to stop this. Whenever it goes in the ocean it will be digested by sea life and when we go fishing we catch the sealife that still have the plastic in them and after that it is on our dinner plates then boom we have just eaten plastic. Just think how good that is for you plastic going into your health system and basically making you more and more weaker by the minute. Personally I would love to live in a world where there is no such thing as plastic or pollution, it hurts me to know that my great great grandchildren have to live in this mess that we have created. That one reason why you should trust me with our future.

Global warming is a huge problem for us right now. The heat rates are off the charts. We are faced with a problem our older generation has created. I know what your thinking yay another speech about how we can save planet Earth, but I’m serious global warming is a huge problem and here’s why. All the gases that trap the heat from the sun (Water vapor, Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Ozone) are unbalanced. When we burn fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and natural gas it relies to much Carbon dioxide, Which is one of the gases, that trap heat. To much Carbon dioxide means too much heat is getting trapped, and that's not good. For example, 2014 was the hottest year on record, then 2015 was the hottest year, and after that 2016 and so on. Big thanks to NASA because they are the people how have been keeping track of the heat rates, because if they weren't doing that then we would have no idea that we need to do something. Just think how bad it will be in 2025. I feel really ashamed about this, we need to look after the Earth not destroy it. I’m trying to help planet Earth and you can help too. We just have to use you small voices to make a big difference.

How would you feel, if some random person you didn’t know just came into your home and took you away from your family, friends, and everyone you know, then shut you away behind bars.Well the animals in captivity don't have to imagine because that's the life they are living.
Did you know that the animals that you have seen is the zoos, malls, and museums,  have all been taken out of our natural habitats and put in cages just so that you humans can pay money to see them. They are forced to do tricks and punished for if they do not obey.  I mean if you want to see amazing animals then buy a ticket to an animal reserve to see them in their natural habitats, seeing them doing what they like to do instead of seeing them do things they are forced and beaten to do. I strongly feel that they deserve better. Animals belong in the wild that's their home.

So here’s the facts people! We need to stop what we are doing and think...Is this life we are living really sustainable?Are we setting up the future generations for disaster.Or are you going to trust me with our future and follow me into a world of change.

I think I did well with my use of words.
I think that I would change the way i ramble on sometines in my speech.
I enjoyed the topic I chose I think it was a good topic for me and my speech.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

WRLT- Use Screencastify to show our work in a video form

Friday, August 10, 2018

Ice Skating Poster

 WALT- Creat a poster to persuade, Advertise our ice skaing fundrasier, skill up on canva, format a persuasive poster to infrom.

My class is doing this so that we can learn how to use canva and  how to pursuade people to come to our Wellington fundraiser.
I found it very easy as i knew what to do and hwo to do it.
I did not gett any help from anyone as I knew what to do and got it done.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Morepork slide

WALT- Put a slide together and learn about New Zealands native birds.

Morepork slide
Plz dont change any thing and just read it and plz put it in present!
Enjoy :)

My Goggle Drawings from my Morepork slide

WALT- We are learning to use google drawingd to make our own imigas so we are not stealing them for that internet.