
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Pie Chart

I learn form this pie chart that my class most likes six60. I though that Guns and Roses would of had a bigger inpate then what it is, I though Guns and Roses would have had more votes than Imagine Dragons. First is six60 second is Imagine Dragons third is Guns and roses and forth\last is Spice girls.

Dumbo Octopus Drawing

This is a drawing that I did with Google Drawing of a Dumbo Octopus that I'm researching about.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sea turtles

Sea turtles

Do you want Sea turtles to go extinct? Well I definitely don’t!!

Right now your reading a report about Sea turtles this is what you will learn from this report… What they are, How we can protect them, and some cool facts about them.

What they are

Sea turtles are apart of the sea life, turtles breed in the tropics and subtropics, there are five species of turtle that are seen in New Zealand waters. Green and Leatherback turtles are the most common. Out of 7 known species of sea turtles 6 are badly hurt. The main things that are hurting them are poaching, loss of nesting or feeding areas, accidental catch (called bycatch), ocean pollution and weather changes (global warming).

How we can protect them

Well do you think Sea turtles are worth saving? I think they are worth saving, because they're a living species and so are we. I bet you if you knew how to protect them then a lot of people would start to change how they do things. We need to stop littering and start putting our rubbish in the right bins, even better trying not to use as much plastic in general. If you like eating Sea turtles then I’m not going to stop you there, but I will remind you about something very important. If its under size then you need to put it back in the water because that's illegal if you take it home. I think that we should protect Sea turtles and animals just as we would protect our kids and family.

Fun Facts

  • Sea turtles are very old organisms. They lived on the Earth more than 220 million years. They managed to survive weather changes which killed the dinosaurs.

  • Sea turtles are very old organisms. They lived on the Earth more than 220 million years. They managed to survive weather changes which killed the dinosaurs.

  • During nesting season females will return back to the same beach where she was born. She will find the right beach even after 30 years of absence.

  • Sea turtles don't have teeth, but their mouths are adapted to each type of food that they normally eat.

  • Green Sea Turtles are vegetarians who eats sea grass, while other turtles eat crabs, clams, jellyfish, and sea cucumbers.

  • I found all these cool facts about Sea turtle on this website if you would like to read more of them then click on this link. FunFacts


To conclude Sea turtles are living sea creatures that we should all protect. And we should all stop littering and endangering our beautiful Sea turtles and sea creatures. I hope you have learnt something new about Sea turtle. Thank you for reading my report.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Goggle forms

Shaie's From
Please do it 🤞🤞🤞

Friday, May 18, 2018


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pie chart

These are the results of my class vote for their favourite games. I learnt that online gaming was the highest vote from my class, and that rugby was the lowest vote. I thought that Fortnite would have had more votes than online gaming, but I guess I was wrong. First is Online gaming secound is Netball third is Fortnite and fourth\last is rugby.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Solitaire report



Hi I’m Shaie and I’m going to talk to you about the game Solitaire. I’ll tell you about the game, how to set it up, how to play it, and who can play it.

What it is

Solitaire is a card game that only one person can play, it's easy to play at any location. In the park, at school, in the car, on a plane or train, at home, at work and anywhere you could imagine, as long as you have a surface to set the cards on. Solitaire is a fun game and I love playing it. It’s easy to play and all ages can do it, you just have to learn.

How to set it up

But first you need to know how to set the game, so I’m going to teach you. The only things you need is a set of cards, a surface and yourself. Set the cards out one by one. So first set out just one card so the the numbers are facing you. Second two cards the first one facing down and the second one facing up, make sure that the second one it over lapping the first one. Do this over and over and just add one each time till there is seven cards in one column. Then with the leftover card just put them facing down so you cant see them, we will be using those later. This is what the set up should look like.

How to play

The initial array may be changed by "building" - transferring cards among the face-up cards in the tableau. Certain cards of the tableau can be played at once, while others may not be played until certain blocking cards are removed. For example, of the seven cards facing up in the tableau, if one is a nine and another is a ten, you may transfer the nine to on top of the ten to begin building that pile in sequence. Since you have moved the nine from one of the seven piles, you have now unblocked a face down card; this card can be turned over and now is in play.
As you transfer cards in the tableau and begin building sequences, if you uncover an ace, the ace should be placed in one of the foundation piles. The foundations get built by suit and in sequence from ace to king.
Continue to transfer cards on top of each other in the tableau in sequence. If you can’t move any more face up cards, you can utilize the stock pile by flipping over the first card. This card can be played in the foundations or tableau. If you cannot play the card in the tableau or the foundations piles, move the card to the waste pile and turn over another card in the stock pile.
If a vacancy in the tableau is created by the removal of cards elsewhere it is called a “space”, and it is of major importance in manipulating the tableau. If a space is created, it can only be filled in with a king. Filling a space with a king could potentially unblock one of the face down cards in another pile in the tableau.
Continue to transfer cards in the tableau and bring cards into play from the stock pile until all the cards are built in suit sequences in the foundation piles to win! I got this information from this website, Solitaire.

Who Should Play

All kinds of people can play this game but I think that it would be  easier to play when your lonely so that no one can interrupt you. Or if your an older person that can go to many places, for example my Nanni had a car crash and she cant walk so she plays this game all the time. It's a good workout for your brain and it gets you thinking. All ages can play it ,but I think that if your reading this for a game for you son or daughter who is under the age of 3 then maybe think of another game for them to play as they might not understand it.


So now that you know what Solitaire is, how to set it up, how to play, and who can play it I think that you’ll enjoy this game a lot. But if you think it's not for you then that’s ok because no ones the same. Thank you.

By Shaie