
Monday, May 28, 2018

Sea turtles

Sea turtles

Do you want Sea turtles to go extinct? Well I definitely don’t!!

Right now your reading a report about Sea turtles this is what you will learn from this report… What they are, How we can protect them, and some cool facts about them.

What they are

Sea turtles are apart of the sea life, turtles breed in the tropics and subtropics, there are five species of turtle that are seen in New Zealand waters. Green and Leatherback turtles are the most common. Out of 7 known species of sea turtles 6 are badly hurt. The main things that are hurting them are poaching, loss of nesting or feeding areas, accidental catch (called bycatch), ocean pollution and weather changes (global warming).

How we can protect them

Well do you think Sea turtles are worth saving? I think they are worth saving, because they're a living species and so are we. I bet you if you knew how to protect them then a lot of people would start to change how they do things. We need to stop littering and start putting our rubbish in the right bins, even better trying not to use as much plastic in general. If you like eating Sea turtles then I’m not going to stop you there, but I will remind you about something very important. If its under size then you need to put it back in the water because that's illegal if you take it home. I think that we should protect Sea turtles and animals just as we would protect our kids and family.

Fun Facts

  • Sea turtles are very old organisms. They lived on the Earth more than 220 million years. They managed to survive weather changes which killed the dinosaurs.

  • Sea turtles are very old organisms. They lived on the Earth more than 220 million years. They managed to survive weather changes which killed the dinosaurs.

  • During nesting season females will return back to the same beach where she was born. She will find the right beach even after 30 years of absence.

  • Sea turtles don't have teeth, but their mouths are adapted to each type of food that they normally eat.

  • Green Sea Turtles are vegetarians who eats sea grass, while other turtles eat crabs, clams, jellyfish, and sea cucumbers.

  • I found all these cool facts about Sea turtle on this website if you would like to read more of them then click on this link. FunFacts


To conclude Sea turtles are living sea creatures that we should all protect. And we should all stop littering and endangering our beautiful Sea turtles and sea creatures. I hope you have learnt something new about Sea turtle. Thank you for reading my report.


  1. Great report Shaie there is so much information and detail about the turtle's, there were so many facts and I loved them all I didn't know that turtles dont have teeth. I Liked everything about it and I dont dislike anything.

  2. Lots of very important facts and information, I like your hook in statement it makes me want to read the post. You could add some pictures to make it more attractive and inviting to read.
