
Friday, August 3, 2018

Why Moreporks are that best Native birds in New Zealand


WALT- We are learning to write a persuasive writig about our native birds.

“Can you hear that it sounds like someone chanting MORE PORK MORE PORK” “ No you silly duffer it's the moreporks call” Hi I’m Shaie and I’m going to tell you why moreporks are awesome animals. I’ll tell you about their Appearance, diet, and habitat. I hope you learn something new.
Morepork are a beautiful bird, I would know some people say that we look alike. Since the morepork is such a beautiful bird, it has its own unique features such as its bright brown and yellow eyes, its beautiful range of feathers the colour of creamy white, light orange and brown, and again its big booming eyes that stare its prey down. Did you know that the female morepork is larger than the male morepork and I bet they’re cooler than males too, a lot of people mistake moreporks for a normal owl they are not normal here's why. The average weight of a morepork is 175g, from head to tail the average height of a  morepork is 29 cm. The Morepork can turn its head around to 270 degrees. Personally I think that the morepork is one of the prettiest birds out there definitely in the top ten.

Let me tell you all about the morpork diet, I presumed they would eat pizza and ice cream like me but I was wrong. Morepork like to eat a wide range of animals and large insects such as weta, huhu beetles, moths and cicadas, small mammals like mice and young rats EWWWW!!!!! They also eat small birds (especially wax-eyes) I’m coming for you Zhara. Man I was so wrong our diets couldn't be anymore different.

Moreporks are found in open habitats in the South Island. My mum and Dad once saw a morepork at a restaurant on the Karikari Peninsula. The moreporks’ call often gets mistaken for the Brown Kiwi call. Moreporks are widely distributed throughout the native and exotic forests of New Zealand. I would love to see a morepork in its natural habitat, because they’re one of my favourite New Zealand native birds.

Well that’s all the facts and information I have about moreporks today but I will make sure that I do some more research about the morepork because I think they are an amazing species of native birds to New Zealand. I hope that proves how awesome moreporks are and I hope you learned something new, and now you have a new set of facts to tell your friends. Thanks for reading my writing.

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