
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What I've learnt in math so far this term

This term my class has been learning about algebra and decimals.

I joined a group this term of five girls. Eva, Manaia, Emma, Tia, and I. In this group we get a little bit more help from Miss Fleet. She sets us up while everyone else reads, and makes sure we know what we are doing. Then she will go and teach the rest of the class. We started off by doing work sheets then we moved on to more advans activities that involved resources. I could already see improvements in my math skills, I think that its good that I'm in this group because I have always been a tiny but behind in math and I wanted to catch up. It’s been important to me to focus more when it comes to math so I don't fall behind.

Work sheets

Day 1 -We started off with adding decimals. I found this hard to understand at the start. But then when I went down to the mat for help Miss Fleet gave me so play money to help. Then soon enough I got it and I was speeding through the questions.

Day 2 - Next we learnt about the placings of numbers in decimals, with a worksheet. I found that pretty easy and moved onto the next worksheet in a flash. Then I did a worksheet about adding decimals and that one got a bit different to the end but I figured it out. Then I did a different worksheet and this one involved word problems with decimals.

Day 3 - I did a worksheet about transferring decimals into fractions. In this worksheet it gave you a visual box with lines to help you get started. Then at the end there was no box to test your abilities and see what you have learnt.

Visual activities

After we got the hang of what we were doing we then moved on to visual activities.

Day 1 - We started off with using A4 pieces of paper to understand how we can turn a whole into tenth and more. Our challenge was to fold a piece of A4 paper so it had ten even boxes in it. Now this was much harder than it sounds and only two girls in our group got it right. Eva and Tia.

Day 2 - Day two was today and what we did was we had to match the decimals to the fraction the matched them.This was pretty simple but it took us some time because we were having fun blowing the paper around. But we finished in the end. There were lots of double ups on some fraction so we tried pairing the double ups with different fractions. We learnt that with decimal you can take the zero off the end and it would still mean the same thing.


I have learnt a lot since being in the group and I'm glad I joined. :)

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