
Friday, May 31, 2019

Team Building Experiment - Shaie

WALT - Make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Ingredients -
A jar or container.
One egg/or how ever many eggs you want to do.
Enough vinegar to fill the jar to the top.

Steps -
First we got into groups,
Next we got a jar and put our names on it.
Then we put a normal egg into the jar, and filled the jar up with vinegar until the egg was fully covered and put the lid on.
Then we put the jar on the window still and waited for four days.
And when the four days had past we took the egg out and washed it under running water.
Then we tested out the egg and dropped it for a very small distances.
Sadly all off the groups eggs didn't work, and they all just split open.
And there was the egg white and yoke on the ground and there was this weird skin next to it and that was what the
egg was in.

Waiting and watching -
As it sat for four days I notice that the outer layer of the egg shell peeled off and the egg changed color.

Reflection -
To be honest it was kind of boring but I was excited to see if it would work.
sadly it didn't for us. So that was a disappointment.
Maybe I would have left it in for only a little bit more for my egg but for the others
a little bit less like a day or something.

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