
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team Building - Shaie

WALT - Show our school values during team building.

Reflection -

My buddies were Richie, Jaspa, and Kauri.It was fun, and cool to try.

The whole time we were laughing and it was a great team building activity.

But I wasn't a very good help.

I used too much force when it came to connecting the tiny marshmallow to the tooth picks.

So I ended up just giving the tooth picks to Richie so he could put them in carefully.

I think that you definitely need to get a plan before you start working on the structure, it helped a lot with us, because we all knew what we were doing.

The values we used where kindness, respect, equity, and resilians.

I learned that it's hard to get it to stand up by itself and that you need to be careful.

I would love to do this again and you should definitely try it.

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