
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Favourite charcter poster

WALT - Create a poster to portray your favoutite charcter in you novel.

Holes book cover

WALT - Create a new book cover for the novle that we are studying.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How can we help climate change?

WALT - write a informative summary about a text

Monday, September 16, 2019

Climate Change

WALT - Summarise a text in our own words

Monday, September 2, 2019

What is a variable?

WALT-Find the variable and figer out what it is.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What is filmmaking

WALT - Summarise a text in our own words

Monday, August 26, 2019

Math formula

WALT - follow and use this formula to work out an equation.


WALT - Use the order of operation

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What I've learnt in math so far this term

This term my class has been learning about algebra and decimals.

I joined a group this term of five girls. Eva, Manaia, Emma, Tia, and I. In this group we get a little bit more help from Miss Fleet. She sets us up while everyone else reads, and makes sure we know what we are doing. Then she will go and teach the rest of the class. We started off by doing work sheets then we moved on to more advans activities that involved resources. I could already see improvements in my math skills, I think that its good that I'm in this group because I have always been a tiny but behind in math and I wanted to catch up. It’s been important to me to focus more when it comes to math so I don't fall behind.

Work sheets

Day 1 -We started off with adding decimals. I found this hard to understand at the start. But then when I went down to the mat for help Miss Fleet gave me so play money to help. Then soon enough I got it and I was speeding through the questions.

Day 2 - Next we learnt about the placings of numbers in decimals, with a worksheet. I found that pretty easy and moved onto the next worksheet in a flash. Then I did a worksheet about adding decimals and that one got a bit different to the end but I figured it out. Then I did a different worksheet and this one involved word problems with decimals.

Day 3 - I did a worksheet about transferring decimals into fractions. In this worksheet it gave you a visual box with lines to help you get started. Then at the end there was no box to test your abilities and see what you have learnt.

Visual activities

After we got the hang of what we were doing we then moved on to visual activities.

Day 1 - We started off with using A4 pieces of paper to understand how we can turn a whole into tenth and more. Our challenge was to fold a piece of A4 paper so it had ten even boxes in it. Now this was much harder than it sounds and only two girls in our group got it right. Eva and Tia.

Day 2 - Day two was today and what we did was we had to match the decimals to the fraction the matched them.This was pretty simple but it took us some time because we were having fun blowing the paper around. But we finished in the end. There were lots of double ups on some fraction so we tried pairing the double ups with different fractions. We learnt that with decimal you can take the zero off the end and it would still mean the same thing.


I have learnt a lot since being in the group and I'm glad I joined. :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Film Making

WALT- Make a film

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Literacy Series

WALT - WALT think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information.

Reflection -
I did this activity with a buddie and my buddie was Emma.
We did this activity for two weeks.
At the start of most of the subjects it was a bit boring 
but the when I just got into it and did my work it wasn't as bad.
My favourite subject was the solar system slides.
Because I really like the solar system, 
and that’s something that I'm very intrastate in.
Along with this slide we made a dream catcher, 

and we are still making it and I hope it turns out nice.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Squaring whole numbers

WALT - square whole numbers

 Reflection -
I found this activity pretty easy and interesting.
I now know why square numbers are called square numbers.
And I know how to properly square whole numbers.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Kindness Slide

WALT - Analyes kindness as one of our school values.

 Reflection -
 The start of this was pretty boring but the more I got into it the more exciting it got and I got more interested. This was a good way to do this kind of activity. :)

Friday, May 31, 2019

Team Building Experiment - Shaie

WALT - Make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Ingredients -
A jar or container.
One egg/or how ever many eggs you want to do.
Enough vinegar to fill the jar to the top.

Steps -
First we got into groups,
Next we got a jar and put our names on it.
Then we put a normal egg into the jar, and filled the jar up with vinegar until the egg was fully covered and put the lid on.
Then we put the jar on the window still and waited for four days.
And when the four days had past we took the egg out and washed it under running water.
Then we tested out the egg and dropped it for a very small distances.
Sadly all off the groups eggs didn't work, and they all just split open.
And there was the egg white and yoke on the ground and there was this weird skin next to it and that was what the
egg was in.

Waiting and watching -
As it sat for four days I notice that the outer layer of the egg shell peeled off and the egg changed color.

Reflection -
To be honest it was kind of boring but I was excited to see if it would work.
sadly it didn't for us. So that was a disappointment.
Maybe I would have left it in for only a little bit more for my egg but for the others
a little bit less like a day or something.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Team biulding - Shaie

WALT - Show our school values during team building

In my group was Manaia and Rachna.
This was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot.
We made a plane first then made the plane real.
We all worked together to make a marshmallow and skewer catapult.
The values we showed in this activity were Respect, kindness, equity and resilians.
We were laughing the whole time.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team Building - Shaie

WALT - Show our school values during team building.

Reflection -

My buddies were Richie, Jaspa, and Kauri.It was fun, and cool to try.

The whole time we were laughing and it was a great team building activity.

But I wasn't a very good help.

I used too much force when it came to connecting the tiny marshmallow to the tooth picks.

So I ended up just giving the tooth picks to Richie so he could put them in carefully.

I think that you definitely need to get a plan before you start working on the structure, it helped a lot with us, because we all knew what we were doing.

The values we used where kindness, respect, equity, and resilians.

I learned that it's hard to get it to stand up by itself and that you need to be careful.

I would love to do this again and you should definitely try it.

Friday, May 3, 2019

My Body - Shaie

Think critically about texts and respond accordingly
I really enjoyed doing this activity. My favourite part of this learning was definitely the narrative story writing. I was very fun to make up, and I it cool because I see this happening in real life. I learned a lot of new thing and I’m glad I did.
I'm really happy with myself for getting it done.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Quality Blog Comment - Shaie

A Quality Comment

WALT - Write a quality blog comment, so we can start a conversation in the comment section with other bloggers.

I really liked doing this with Miss Yates for our cyber smart project.

Next time I could try to make it easier to read the words that I have written.